Body Signs: From Warning Signs to False Alarms…How to Be Your Own Diagnostic Detective

Stress | Books

Hairy tongue, eye flashes, inverted nipples, a metallic taste in the mouth: each of these are a signal from the body that something may-or may not-be awry.  In their new book, BODY SIGNS, veteran medical journalists Joan Liebmann-Smith Ph.D. and Jacqueline Nardi Egan explore the myriad of signs our bodies give us each day-some benign, some bad, and some merely bizarre-to help readers decode their own body signs to determine when a visit to the doctor is necessary. 

BODY SIGNS covers every inch of the body from top to bottom, breaking the body down into nine chapters that include hair, eyes, ears, nose, lips and mouth, throat and neck, torso and extremities, private parts, and finally skin and nails.  Each chapter delves deep into a wide variety of common body signs, and then explains the reasons why each sign or symptom may-or may not-be something to worry about. 

A simultaneously witty and trustworthy source, BODY SIGNS is an invaluable reference for anyone fascinated by how the human body works or for anyone looking to understand what their body is telling them about their state of health. 

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