After Breast Cancer: A Common-Sense Guide to Life After Treatment

Cancer | Books

After Breast Cancer details what happens after treatment, serving as a comprehensive guide that provides advice and support to women on how to begin a new life after breast cancer. As a survivor, Hester Hill Schnipper knows first-hand about this inner struggle. In 1993, after serving as an oncology social worker for 15 years, specializing in psychosocial support systems for breast cancer patients, she discovered a lump in her own breast. Following her treatment, she realized that the cancer was gone, but emotional scars and fears remained. In After Breast Cancer, Schnipper threads her own experience throughout this updated edition—including her most recent treatment and recovery from a second primary breast cancer in 2005—adding a special empathy to her practical advice for the growing number of women in the throes of dealing with the aftermath of cancer treatment. This updated edition also addresses recent changes in the standard of care for breast cancer and covers a wide range of topics to help women navigate the possibilities and challenges, including: powerful drugs for adjuvant chemotherapy and managing their complex side effects; major changes in hormonal treatments; new concerns in medical follow-up; how to regain emotional and sexual intimacy; how to cope with financial and workplace issues and more.

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