Anger and Depression Raise Heart Disease Risk in Men

Heart Health | Articles

Anger and depression in men lead to a higher incidence of heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. Men who exhibit a more positive and pleasant attitude can actually lower their risk. These are the finding from a new study out of Duke University.

Results showed that those who exhibited hostility, anger and depression had higher levels of the protein C3. These higher levels are associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Men who smoke, or who are overweight, are at an even greater risk.

It is believed that a psychologically negative lifestyle leads to greater stress which may change the way the body functions. This, in turn, could lead to disease.

Working to reduce these psychological variables may help reduce inflammation and lower risk.

How many of us have had to deal with a person who always seems to be mad at someone or something and blames you, others and situations that border on insanity. Well, in those crazy times, remind them that they are moving closer to killing themselves by their unruly, uncivilized and childlike approach to life. We all know that these are people who just stopped growing up emotionally and then learned that this type of rage got them what they wanted. I recommend they get help first by reading Anger Management for Dummies and then I recommend that you stop taking their silliness so personally. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with you. So let it go and pray for them.

God Bless,
Dr. Benzinger

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