Depressed Parents Do Affect Their Children Long Term

Mother/Infant/Child | Articles

Offspring of parents who suffered from depression face an increased risk themselves for depression, anxiety and drug dependence that extends well into adulthood, a new study shows.

They report in the American Journal of Psychiatry on a 20-year follow-up study comparing 101 people who had at least one parent with major depressive disorder and 50 whose parents were free of major depression. Participants were 35 years old, on average, at the time of follow-up.

Offspring of a depressed parent were three times as likely to have anxiety disorder, major depression or substance dependence, the researchers found, and they were also at greater risk of social impairment on the job or in family life.

Also, by age 35, the researchers found, offspring of depressed parents were five times as likely to report heart or blood vessel disease and more than twice as likely to have some type of neuromuscular disorder. Overall, they were at double the risk of medical illness compared to offspring of non-depressed parents.

“The offspring of depressed parents constitute a high-risk group for psychiatric and medical problems, which begin early and continue through adulthood,” Weissman and her team conclude. “Early detection seems warranted.”

SOURCE: American Journal of Psychiatry, June 2006.

As with any disease such as depression, aggressive treatment is recommended for the person and their family. In cases of mild to moderate depression, St. John’s Wart and/or counseling from a professional has been documented to be as helpful as any medications; but without the side effects of medication. Severe cases should seek professional help and be advised on medication options. Most importantly is to treat it aggressively so you and your children may have a brighter future.

Dr. Benzinger

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