Doctors Often Don’t Fess Up To Errors

Physicians may say it’s important to disclose medical errors to patients, yet many do not when errors occur in their own practice, according to a new report.

“Our goal was to learn more about clinicians’ attitudes, but also what they actually have and have not done,” stated lead author Dr. Lauris C. Kaldjian, from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

According to the report, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, 97 percent of respondents said they would disclose a hypothetical error resulting in minor harm to a patient. Ninety-three percent said they would disclose an error causing major harm.

In real life, however, 41 percent of respondents said they had disclosed an actual minor error to a patient and just 5 percent had told a patient of an actual major error. Conversely, 19 percent of respondents acknowledged they did not disclose an actual minor error and 4 percent acknowledged not revealing an actual major error.

Kaldjian noted. “The idea persists that the physician rides into the clinic on the white horse. To come in as the healer and then realize that you have harmed is a difficult thing to accept, let alone admit.”

SOURCE: Journal of General Internal Medicine, May 2007.

Benzinger On Health was established for the reasons just pointed out. Unfortunately, doctors in this day and age of suing, money, image and pride issues cannot be real without consequences and some of them drastic. Thus, the problems continue repetitively and without sight of improvement. It is important that you and I arm ourselves with a chest filled with knowledge and expertise to prevent disease so these types of unreported mistakes do not continue and the next time involve us or our loved ones. Benzinger On Health is exactly where you can be armed and ready to fight for your wellness!

This is Dr. Benzinger On Health helping you fight for your well-being! May god bless you!

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