Lifestyle Intervention Helps Overweight Children Lose Weight

Weight Loss | Articles

A recent study finds overweight children and adolescents lose the most weight when engaged in lifestyle intervention with parental support. Intervention programs are designed to control diet, increase physical activity and encourage behavioral changes among overweight youngsters.

Study results saw an 8 to 9 percent improvement in weight loss among those receiving intervention as compared to those receiving no intervention. Children who received educational treatment only saw just a 2 percent improvement.

In addition, parents who model healthy behaviors in the home further contribute to the weight-loss success of their children.

SOURCE: Health Psychology, September 2007

It makes sense: Parents that eat a healthy diet, exercise and encourage healthy lifestyle habits cause their children to lose weight in the most effective long term manner that we know of.

Bottom line: Don’t expect your children to do what you are not willing to do, and more importantly, your very life and quality of life is important to those who love you and care about you, even when you don’t. Parents, you must realize that your children want you to get healthy as much as they want to lose weight and get healthy. Here is an opportunity for a family team event in which everyone wins.

God Bless,
Dr. Benzinger

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