Supplementing With Linoleic Acid Changes Fat Distribution

Weight Loss | Articles

A study presented here at Digestive Disease Week 2006 shows that conjugated linoleic acid supplements induce a change in body fat distribution, with the greatest fat reductions occurring in the abdomen and legs.

Conjugated linoleic acid is found in fats from ruminant animals, such as cows or sheep, and from dairy products, Dr. Alexandra Einerhand of the Lipid Nutrition Center in Loders Croklaan, Wormerveer, the Netherlands, and colleagues in Norway explain in their meeting abstract. The body normally stores low levels of conjugated linoleic acid, ranging from 150 mg to 400 mg, the Dutch researcher noted.

There was a significant 5.6 percent drop in body fat mass in participants given the conjugated linoleic acid supplement compared with those given placebo at the end of the 6-month study period, the researchers report.

Reductions in fat mass were already detectable after 3 months. In women, reductions occurred in both the abdomen and legs, while in men, reductions were only seen in the abdomen. The conjugated linoleic acid supplements did not affect tissue composition in the arms.

Individuals with the highest BMIs at baseline showed the greatest response to conjugated linoleic acid supplementation.

“These changes were independent of diet and exercise,” she added.

Einerhand told Reuters Health that there appeared to be no toxicity with conjugated linoleic acid supplements and a number of other parameters the investigators measured were unaffected.

I have suggested free range chickens and eggs, as well as, grass fed cows as great sources of linoleic acid. Very low levels are noted in the eggs, chickens and beef you buy at most stores. Not only are natural sources healthier, but they help keep you leaner. What more can we want?

Dr. Benzinger

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