Dieting May be Hardest for Emotional Eaters

Diet and Nutrition | Articles

A recent study finds that emotional eaters struggle the most with losing weight and keeping it off. Emotional eaters are people who eat when they are lonely or sad.

Researchers found that study participants who ate more as a response to thoughts and feelings lost the least amount of weight. The results may also explain why so many people who lose weight gain it all back.

This study suggests that more attention needs to be placed on the emotional and thought triggers of the dieter since they clearly play a significant role in weight loss.

SOURCE: National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Beck was intuitive enough to have seen this group of people who struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balance in their lives. This research further supports the idea that weight loss has to do with habits done reasonably well over a length of time or a life time. Emotions and hurt feelings deter many of us from our goals, so we resort to unhealthy diets that end up causing more weight gain over the long run. The Beck Diet Solution deals with the pit falls that frequent your life and helps you plan ahead to prevent them.

God Bless,
Dr. Benzinger

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