The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person

Diet and Nutrition | Books

Any sensible diet will help you lose weight, but the challenge for 90% of Americans is actually staying on the diet they choose. In The Beck Diet Solution, Dr. Judith Beck has created a four-week plan that will help people stick with their diet, lose weight with confidence, and keep weight off for a lifetime. Dr. Beck is one of the foremost authorities in the field of Cognitive Therapy. This program is not only based on the authors personal success and on her success with her many clients, but also on published research. It all starts with how you think. With other programs, you think about nothing but food: counting, weighing, and worst of all, food you can’t have. This way of thinking inevitably contributes to diet failure. The Beck Diet Solution is the only program that helps dieters use Cognitive Therapy methods scientifically proven over 20 years to forever change those treacherous thought patterns that lead to overeating, cheating, excuses, and other dieting downfalls.



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