Diet and Nutrition | Articles Yoga has become one of the most popular exercise techniques here in the west, but its health benefits reach far beyond physical fitness. A recent report found Indian soldiers receiving daily yoga sessions to help them deal with extreme...
Articles on Diet and Nutrition
Supplementing With Linoleic Acid Changes Fat Distribution
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesA study presented here at Digestive Disease Week 2006 shows that conjugated linoleic acid supplements induce a change in body fat distribution, with the greatest fat reductions occurring in the abdomen and legs. Conjugated linoleic acid is...
Metabolic Factors May Predict Breast Cancer Relapse
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesA new study reported in the International Journal of Cancer indicates that a set of metabolic factors, including high cholesterol, obesity, high blood sugar and high blood pressure, may play a role in predicting the reoccurrence of breast...
Sugary Drinks Affect the Liver
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesThere is new support for the theory that sugary soft drinks play a role in the development of liver disease, as reported at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). A study, conducted at the...
Stress May Raise Cholesterol in Some
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesFor some people, the body's reaction to stress may raise the odds of developing high cholesterol, the results of a new study suggest. Researchers in the UK found that healthy middle-age adults whose cholesterol rose in response to a...
Acid Reflux Patients Get Break From Restrictive Diets
Diet and Nutrition | Articles If you’ve been diagnosed with acid reflux or have frequent heartburn and thought you had to give up all the foods you love, there is good news. A recent study conducted at Stanford University reports that there is "insufficient evidence"...
Adopting a Healthy Diet Reduces Risk of Diabetes
Diet and Nutrition | Articles Evidence strongly supports that individuals who adopt a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fiber and cut back on unhealthy fats and red meat can reduce their risk of developing diabetes. These findings are based on a study...
Alcohol Absorption Much Faster When Made With Artificial Sweetner
Diet and Nutrition | Articles Alcoholic drinks made with artificial sweeteners lead to a high rate of alcohol absorption, resulting in a greater blood alcohol peak and concentration than from drinks made with sugar-based mixers. The reason, Australian investigators...
Britons Poor Diets Cost System Millions
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesTHE ENGLISH SUFFER FROM UNHEALTHY DIETS Poor eating habits in Britain are costing the country's health service 6 billion pounds ($10 billion) a year -- three times as much as smoking, public health experts said on Tuesday. A preference for...
Calcium, vitamin D may help prevent PMS
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesAmong thousands of 27- to 44-year-old women involved in the ongoing Nurses' Health Study II, those who consumed the most vitamin D and calcium-rich foods had the lowest risk of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), researchers report. "Our...
Carbohydrates – Friend or Foe?fasdfasd
Depending upon who you’re talking to – and to which diet they ascribe – carbohydrates are either “for you, or against’ you.” What’s the truth of it? As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and as with most things relating to your health, it is best to...
Dark Chocolate May Help Cut Heart Disease
Diet and Nutrition | ArticlesA few squares of dark chocolate every day might cut the risk ofserious heart disease by helping to stave off the hardening ofarteries, according to a study published on Tuesday. Researchers fromUniversity Hospital in Zurich studied 20 male...
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