by Dr. Shawn Benzinger, D.C., DABCO, FIAMA. | Aug 22, 2018 | Welcome to Indy Health & Wellness
Dr. Shawn Benzinger and his staff would like to announce that Indy Health & Wellness has moved! Our new location is: 3003 E. 98th Street, Suite 161 Indianapolis, IN 46280
by Dr. Shawn Benzinger, D.C., DABCO, FIAMA. | Jun 3, 2016 | Videos
Dr. Benzinger with health information on multiple sclerosis.
by Dr. Shawn Benzinger, D.C., DABCO, FIAMA. | Jun 3, 2016 | Cancer Videos, Videos
Dr. Benzinger from Benzinger On Health with health information on pancreatic cancer.
by Dr. Shawn Benzinger, D.C., DABCO, FIAMA. | May 2, 2012 | Dr. Benzinger Blog
A recent study shows a link between negative brain changes and pesticides. Chloropyrifos or CPF, was banned from use in American homes, but is allowed to be used in public domains and is still used in places like South America where lots of our food comes from. There...
by Dr. Shawn Benzinger, D.C., DABCO, FIAMA. | Apr 25, 2012 | Dr. Benzinger Blog
Have you ever wondered if the ant spray and weed killer was killing you and your family slowly? Do you feel like there is no other choice? Well, there are other choices and here are options I use personally. Try them! Ant Spray: 10 ½ ounces of water, 3 ounces of...