General Health | Articles A popular drug used to keep cholesterol in check might be interfering with a good night's sleep, claims researchers. A large study looking at sleep patterns of people who took the statin drug simvastatin, sold under the trade name Zocor,...
Articles on General Health
Adding Yoga to Your Exercise Routine Helps Reduce Stress
General Health | Articles Yoga has become one of the most popular exercise techniques here in the west, but its health benefits reach far beyond physical fitness. A recent report found Indian soldiers receiving daily yoga sessions to help them deal with extreme combat...
Alcohol Absorption Much Faster When Made With Artificial Sweetners
General Health | Articles Alcoholic drinks made with artificial sweeteners lead to a high rate of alcohol absorption, resulting in a greater blood alcohol peak and concentration than from drinks made with sugar-based mixers. The reason, Australian investigators told...
Manufacturing Chemical May Damage Thyroid
General Health | Articles Exposure to perchlorate, a widely used industrial chemical found in U.S. drinking water, may prevent some women's thyroid glands from functioning properly, a government study has found. Women with higher concentrations of perchlorate in their...
Manufacturing Chemical May Damage Thyroid
General Health | ArticlesExposure to perchlorate, a widely used industrial chemical found in U.S. drinking water, may prevent some women's thyroid glands from functioning properly, a government study has found. Women with higher concentrations of perchlorate in their...
New Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Shows Promise in Lab Tests
General Health | Articles Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI), which is a soy-derived protease inhibitor, shows promise in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. In a recent study, BBI was administered in an animal model of multiple sclerosis and was shown to have a significant...
Phone-Based Psychotherapy Improves Depression Treatment Outcome
General Health | Articles Combining psychotherapy, delivered over the telephone, with medication seems to improve the outcome of depression treatment, research shows. In the United States, people who suffer depression are typically treated with an antidepressant,...
Poor Indoor Air Quality May Worsen Lung Disease
General Health | Articles A smog-filled sky can make it hard to breathe, but air pollution in the home may also be hard on people with lung disease, researchers have found. In a study of 148 adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), investigators found...
Probiotics May Ease Abdominal Pain of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
General Health | Articles Treatment with the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus, may help reduce abdominal pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome. In a study of lab rats induced with abdominal pain, the Lactobacillus treatment resulted in an increase in the...
Septic Systems May Leak Harmful Chemicals
General Health | Articles Recent tests indicate that septic systems may be failing to remove certain chemicals known to interfere with human hormonal regulation and polluting surrounding groundwater which, in turn, feeds many drinking water supplies. Silent Spring...
Parental Verbal Abuse Can Cause Lasting Harm
General Health | Articles A new study suggests that verbal abuse of children by parents may be even more likely to cause psychiatric problems in later life than physical abuse. "Individuals interested in the welfare of maltreated children should not underestimate the...
Psychological Treatments Ease Low Back Pain
General Health | Articles Pooled results from 22 clinical trials show that psychological interventions help individuals with chronic low back pain experience less actual pain, less pain-related interference with daily living, less depression and work-related...
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