There is no clearly safe level of exposure to four of the most common environmental toxins in the world, and more should be done to protect the public, researchers argue in a new report. The toxins in question -- lead, radon, tobacco smoke and byproducts of...
Articles on Mother/Infant/Child
Lifestyle Intervention Helps Overweight Children Lose Weight
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesA recent study finds overweight children and adolescents lose the most weight when engaged in lifestyle intervention with parental support. Intervention programs are designed to control diet, increase physical activity and encourage...
Mothers of Children with Autism Are Prone to Depression
Mother/Infant/Child | Articles Depression is an all too frequent problem for mothers of children with autism. These feelings are often brought on by a sense of responsibility for the cause or the outcome of their child’s condition. Coming to terms with raising a child...
Multi-vitamins May Reduce Risk of Preeclampsia
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesAdding a daily multi-vitamin may significantly reduce the risk of a potentially serious complication in pregnant women. A condition called preeclampsia which includes high blood pressure and fluid retention affects at least 10% of...
Prozac Use During Pregnancy Linked To Birth Problems
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesPregnant women who take Prozac for depression during the third trimester have an increased risk of birth complications. A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that a significantly higher percentage of women who...
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