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Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies
Dr. Benzinger with health information on multiple sclerosis.
Portion Distortion
Diet and Nutrition | Videos
Childhood Obesity
Dr. Benzinger with health information on childhood obesity.
Healthy Habits
General Health | Videos
Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Benzinger from Benzinger On Health with health information on pancreatic cancer.
Aluminum Salts in Deodorants Linked to Breast Cancer Risk
Cancer | Articles Warnings of a possible link between aluminum salts contained in a majority of underarm deodorants and breast cancer risk have already been suggested by the medical community. A recent study reported in the Journal of Applied Toxicology now raises the...
Diabetes Videos
Adopting a Healthy Diet Reduces Risk of Diabetes Evidence strongly supports that individuals who adopt a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fiber and cut back on unhealthy fats and red meat can reduce their risk of developing diabetes. Regular Leisurely Walks...
Healthy Habits
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