General Health | Articles Concerns over one’s appearance, specifically expectations of being rejected based on appearance, can seriously affect a person’s mental and physical health. Dr. Lora Park, Director of the Self and Motivation Research Laboratory at the...
Articles on General Health
Single Workout Can Lift Mood in Depressed Patients
General Health | Articles A single 30-minute walk on a treadmill can give a temporary emotional lift to patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the results of a small study suggest. Researchers found that among 40 men and women recently diagnosed with major...
Love-Hate Friendships May Raise Blood Pressure
General Health | Articles Friends who are critical, unpredictable or unreliable may literally be hard on your heart, a study published recently suggests. The study looked at the short-term cardiovascular effects of being with an "ambivalent" friend -- someone with...
Poor Diet as Bad for Health as Smoking
General Health | Articles Insufficient consumption of fish, fruit and vegetables is as bad for human health as smoking, according to a Dutch report released Monday. The study, which the European Food Safety Authority says it will use when analyzing food and diet...
Fatal Disease Possible From Artificial Flavoring
General Health | Articles Unfortunately we find out about potentially harmful products after death or injury and of course a negative verdict in court. A potentially fatal lung disease linked to chemicals used in food additives such as those used in popcorn has been...
Men Catching Up To Women in Life Expectancy
General Health | Articles As the first of the 75 million baby boomers touch 60 in January, there's good news for the men: They are catching up to women in life expectancy. A new "Longevity Index" by Credit Suisse First Boston shows that while women still live four...
In-Home Care: A Better Option in Caring for the Terminally Ill
General Health | Articles Recent research finds that In-home care for terminally ill patients can improve patient satisfaction while reducing medical care costs. These findings, claim researchers, provide "strong evidence for reforming end-of-life care." Dr. Richard...
Tylenol Pushing Up Liver Failure/Deaths
General Health | Articles The percentage of cases of acute liver failure caused by an overdose of acetaminophen increased considerably from 1998 to 2003, with unintentional overdose accounting for at least half of these cases, a new US study shows. Acetaminophen,...
U.S. Primary Care Near Collapse, Physicians Warn
General Health | Articles Primary care, the basic medical care that people get when they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems, could fall apart in the United States without immediate reforms, the American College of Physicians said on Monday....
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