Mother/Infant/Child | Articles April showers bring May flowers, but this year they've also brought a bumper crop of grass, ragweed and early-budding trees that means misery to millions of allergic Americans. Experts across the country say they are recording the...
Articles on Mother/Infant/Child
Stress and Mood Predict Kid’s Arthritis Symptoms
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesIn children with arthritis, stress and mood are important predictors of disease symptoms, research shows, suggesting that non-drug interventions, such as stress management and cognitive behavioral therapy, may be useful in improving...
Antibiotic Use In The First Year May Increase Asthma In Your Child
Mother/Infant/Child | Articles Exposure to at least one course of antibiotics in the first year of life may increase the risk of asthma later in childhood, results of a meta-analysis suggest. There may even be a dose-response relationship, with higher risk with each...
Babies May Benefit From Supervised Tummy-Time
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesThe recommendation that babies sleep only on their backs has significantly reduced the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), but always lying in the supine position may contribute to delays in early motor development. A recent...
Calcium, Vitamin D may help prevent PMS
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesAmong thousands of 27- to 44-year-old women involved in the ongoing Nurses' Health Study II, those who consumed the most vitamin D and calcium-rich foods had the lowest risk of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), researchers report. "Our...
Colicky Babies May Benefit From Probiotics
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesA recent study of colicky infants indicates that symptoms can be improved through a treatment of the probiotic organism Lactobacillus. Colic is a condition described as excessive crying in otherwise healthy, well-fed babies and it can be...
Environmental Toxins and Their Role in Developmental Disorders in Children
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesThere are growing concerns that environmental toxins may play a larger role in children's developmental disorders than previously thought. This outcome came from a recent conference focused on the prevention of "childhood diseases of...
Daycare Benefits Children Provided it is High-Quality
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesResearchers report that children in daycare do not seem to suffer significant detrimental effects, provided they are placed in a high quality daycare and they have a supportive home life. Children who received quality care were able to...
Depressed Parents Do Affect Their Children Long Term
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesOffspring of parents who suffered from depression face an increased risk themselves for depression, anxiety and drug dependence that extends well into adulthood, a new study shows. They report in the American Journal of Psychiatry on a...
Depression Treatment in Pregnancy Generally Safe
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesTreating women for depression with serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, does not appear to increase the overall risk of birth defects. This is the conclusion reported in The New England Journal of Medicine based on findings from two...
Diets May Backfire For Some Obese Children
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesParents may be doing more harm than good by putting their overweight children on a diet. According to findings published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, dieting can backfire for some obese children. The dieting sets off...
Even Low Levels of Common Toxins May Be Dangerous
Mother/Infant/Child | ArticlesThere are growing concerns that environmental toxins may play a larger role in children's developmental disorders than previously thought. This outcome came from a recent conference focused on the prevention of "childhood diseases of...
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