Have you ever wondered if the ant spray and weed killer was killing you and your family slowly? Do you feel like there is no other choice? Well, there are other choices and here are options I use personally. Try them! Ant Spray: 10 ½ ounces of water, 3 ounces of...
Dr. Benzinger Blog
There is overwhelming evidence condemning the overuse of antibiotics in cows. In fact, a Federal Judge had to order the FDA to respond to a lack of evidence to justify the continued use at the present level. The USA has received warning after warning to reduce the...
Working More Than 40 Hours a Week=You Are Wasting Your Time
I was able to go to a wonderful workshop with the Truth at Work group. We were trying to determine the approximate amount of time a person should work per week and still keep the family life in balance. Based on the Bible as our reference we were able to estimate a...
Cereal: Could Unhealthy Cereal be to Blame for Runaway Obesity, or Lack of Concentration
I will say it this way: No one can think or feel good with such a severe sugar high from bad cereals and pop tarts we feed our kids. Stop putting your children in harm's way, it is hurtful long term and should be stopped immediately. It is not "better than nothing" to...
More Good Meat Choices
When it comes to purchasing beef and chicken there are a few words that make a huge difference: Grass-fed (for cows), Hormone-free/No added Hormones, and Organic. Grass-fed (for cows): The animals are fed a diet of natural grass, not grain. The grass allows the cow...
Let’s Eat
When shopping for eggs, I look for the Organic, Free-range eggs. Why? Organic foods cannot be irradiated, genetically modified or grown using synthetic chemicals or other offensive drugs. Free-range is best because the chickens are outside to forage for food beyond...
Prayer Heals
I had the opportunity to evaluate a study that found 90% of the population prays for help from God when a crisis occurs. It was even more interesting to find out that only 50% pray daily to God. So what changes during the crisis? Do we realize God runs the world and...
Turn It Around
How many times have you heard about beating a dead horse and expecting a different outcome each time? The idea of taking a tired, run-down and a bit overweight person and thrusting them into a NEW YEAR WEIGHT LOSS PROJECT is just like beating the dead horse. Unless we...
Allergic Reactions to Air Fresheners and Scented Candles
Finally, I have found sound research that documents and acknowledges the reactions many people have when they step into a home with scented candles or those horrific plug ins. Not only do they omit VOC’s, volatile organic compounds, but these organic compounds often...
Tis the Season for Your Antibiotic
Antibiotics have long been at the top of the list of medical reactions and side affects to the average human. Americans still take them like they are candy and end results are becoming more and more frightening. We take them for infections, acne, dental work, invasive...
Are you confused enough that you just do not know what to do? I am including a diet sheet on this blog and suggesting you look at www.Dietdoctor.com for further insight. DO THIS AND YOU LOOSE WEIGHT! God Bless,Dr. Benzinger
Orange Vs. Orange Juice
The marketing folks would have you believe you will receive as much, if not more nutrition from the special clear looking juice they have on sale at the local grocery store. Let’s take a minute and review this idea. Orange first! An apple has over 300 elements that...
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