Weight Loss | ArticlesA recent study finds overweight children and adolescents lose the most weight when engaged in lifestyle intervention with parental support. Intervention programs are designed to control diet, increase physical activity and encourage behavioral...
Articles on Weight Loss
Obesity Linked To Too Little Sleep
Weight Loss | ArticlesNot getting enough sleep may play a role in becoming overweight. Studies show a direct relationship between shorter sleep and increased body weight. In general, children and adults get less sleep today than in years past and the negative affects...
Single Workout Can Lift Mood in Depressed Patients
Weight Loss | ArticlesA single 30-minute walk on a treadmill can give a temporary emotional lift to patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the results of a small study suggest. Researchers found that among 40 men and women recently diagnosed with major...
Healthy Habits Lower Heart Disease Risk In Men
Weight Loss | ArticlesAdopting a healthier lifestyle, incorporating several basic habits is proven to help prevent heart attacks and heart-related deaths. In a recent study of middle-aged and older men, basic habits previously known to individually lower the risk of...
Supplementing With Linoleic Acid Changes Fat Distribution
Weight Loss | ArticlesA study presented here at Digestive Disease Week 2006 shows that conjugated linoleic acid supplements induce a change in body fat distribution, with the greatest fat reductions occurring in the abdomen and legs. Conjugated linoleic acid is found...
Alcohol Absorption Much Faster When Made With Artificial Sweetner
Weight Loss | Articles Alcoholic drinks made with artificial sweeteners lead to a high rate of alcohol absorption, resulting in a greater blood alcohol peak and concentration than from drinks made with sugar-based mixers. The reason, Australian investigators told...
Carbohydrates – Friend or Foe?
Weight Loss | ArticlesDepending upon who you’re talking to – and to which diet they ascribe – carbohydrates are either “for you, or against’ you.” What’s the truth of it? As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and as with most things relating to your...
Dieting May be Hardest for Emotional Eaters
Weight Loss | ArticlesA recent study finds that emotional eaters struggle the most with losing weight and keeping it off. Emotional eaters are people who eat when they are lonely or sad. Researchers found that study participants who ate more as a response to thoughts...
Diets May Backfire For Some Obese Children
Weight Loss | ArticlesParents may be doing more harm than good by putting their overweight children on a diet. According to findings published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, dieting can backfire for some obese children. The dieting sets off an...
Hormone Therapy and Weight Affect Asthma in Women
Weight Loss | ArticlesHormone replacement therapy (HRT) is associated with an increased risk of asthma and wheezing, particularly in lean women, according to a report in the medical journal Thorax. HRT use raised the risk of asthma, wheeze and hay fever by 57 percent,...
Portion Distortion Contributes to Obesity
Weight Loss | ArticlesA new study shows that young adults are serving up significantly larger portion sizes for themselves than they did 20 years ago, and this portion distortion may contribute to the current obesity epidemic. As reported in the Journal of the...
Metabolic Factors May Predict Breast Cancer Relapse
A new study reported in the International Journal of Cancer indicates that a set of metabolic factors, including high cholesterol, obesity, high blood sugar and high blood pressure, may play a role in predicting the reoccurrence of breast cancer in women. The link...
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